Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Rock Star Legacy: Chapter 1

Welcome! To RiotGirl's Rock Star legacy! The theme behind this legacy is pretty straight forward. All the children will be named after musicians, bands, and other music related things!
Note: To make this more interesting for myself (I find that I get money too fast), only every second generation will be allowed to get jobs. No teen jobs, either. And, unless it is to fulfill a lifetime want, then they will retire the moment they become elders. If I come up with anything else later on, I'll just tack it on!

Meet our founder, Rock Starr! Clever, right? A little ironic, too, considering he's not allowed to get a job, and so will never be an actual rock star. But don't tell him that.

He is completely oblivious as to what he has gotten himself into. But he's a stubborn fellow...I'm sure he'll do fine! And if not, we get to watch him fail.

This is his humble little abode. There are no big empty lots in Bridgeport, unfortunately. So I just put him on the one I could find, built his little hut, then reset his money to 200. S'all good.

Naturally, the first place he visited was the theatre.
Rock: I want to work here...
You can't, sorry.

Rock: Why the hell not?
Because you're doomed to live in abject squalor for my general amusement.
Rock: Wha..?

I left him to his own devices for TWO SECONDS, and he starts yelling at some random woman on the street. Lord...
Rock: Why the hell did you throw money at me?! I'm not homeless! I just wanted to sit down! I can afford steak, you bi-

Moving on...
Rock: And that's why that old biddy over there is way hotter than you.
Yeah, it went on for quite a while.

Random Woman: This man is INSANE!
Rock: At least my hair isn't stupid.

I figured that was a good time to get him out of there, and sent him off the park to sniff out some ladies.

Too young.

Too famous.

Rock: Juuuust right!
Sugar: What?
Rock: Uh...nice to meet you?

Rock: So, yeah. I'm Rock. I'm kind of a big deal. I mean...I will be. One day.
Sugar: ...

Sugar: Sounds good to me!

And then they danced. Really...they were at it for far too long, but whatever works I guess! Thank you, Bridgeport, for all the fresh faces!

And thank you for this guy right here. I wish I was classy enough to wear a tuxedo all the time. I also wish lady tuxedo's were more common.

What are you doing, Rock?
Rock: Sssh! I'm taking a pic of the famous guy to put on my facebook!

Unfortunately, Rock wasn't the only one with some sweet dance moves.

You're not bothered by this?
Rock: How can I be? That guy is huge.

Rock: But look! A back up plan!
Lady at Bar: What the hell? You've been sitting there for ten minutes, and thats the first thing you say? Why do I always go to the freak bars?

Rock: So, baby, you ever made it with a Legacy man?
Bartender: ...

Bartender: Yeah.
Rock: Oh...

You can't have her, Rock.
Rock: What? Why?
One: clearly not interested. Two: they're a pain in the ASS to try and hang out with.

Rock: *humming Mission Impossible themesong*

Rock: Oh. My. God...Look!

Rock: Its that famous chick from those music videos! Eee!
At least I know even YOU aren't stupid enough to think you can bags THAT one.

Rock: Uh oh...
What is it?

Rock: Maybe if I stay still she won't see me...

Bouncer: I can see you, get out!
Apparently that famous chick from those music videos ratted him out. Terrible woman.

Rock: Well...its not ideal, but at least I have food!
That's right, stay optimistic. You'll need it.

I invited her over, just to see if it would be a little less annoying this time around.
Rock: single?

Bartender: Gotta go to work, bye.
It wasn't...I hate that they're so hard to see outside of the clubs.

Rock: The news in this town SUCKS. Nothing's happening! Not even any babies!
Where as in my other game I swear to God someone was dying every day. It was a little alarming.

When he was unable to go out and try to woo ladies, Rock wasted away the hours by working out and struggling with his shower.

Rock: I've had it with this being poor crap!
What are you doing?
Rock: What I do best.

Rock: Stealing.

Rock: You never said we couldn't find OTHER ways to make money.
Very true. Do you feel ok doing this?
Rock: I need it more.

Rock: Maybe...
No. No stealing from stores. From empty lots with cars in them, yes. But not from stores.
Rock: Bah...fine.

Rock: Mrs Bouncer ladyman, I'm sorry I snuck into the VIP section. Can I please come back? ... But I'm meeting someone there!

Rock: Fine...I'll just wait for her in this back alley.
Sugar: There you are! What happened to the bar?
Rock: Bars are for squares, baby.

Rock: We're going somewhere better! I mean...its still a bar. But its better than THIS bar. It doesn't have any bitchy famous blond ladies.

Sugar: Um...ok. Sounds good. I think.

Rock: What the...? Where the hell did my drink go?

Rock: See? This bar IS better?
Why are you telling me? I don't care, just get back to your date.

Go out to a bar and you order pizza. Real classy, Rock.
Rock: You're the one that made me poor!
You just stole a car, where did that money go?
Rock: ...I dunno.

Sigh. Well...the date was going well. Good music, good food, and lots of drinks. Sugar and Rock were really hitting it off.

And he was grinning the whole time, despite having quite a few low moods. Ladies will do that to a guy, I guess.

Rock? You've been in there for awhile, what are you doing?
Rock: Uh, nothing!

Oh my...really?
Rock: I stink! And its YOUR fault, not letting me go home and shower.
You're on a date.
Rock: On a date and I STINK!
Everyone can see you...

In the middle of his bath, Sugar decided she wasn't having a good time, and wandered off to play darts. So, Rock drank some more, then danced with some other girls there.

In his pajamas.
Party Girl: This guy knows how to party!

Rock: Oh, hey! You're still here! Sorry I took so long, I was bathing.
Sugar: ...HOW?

Rock: It ain't no thing. Lets dance!
Sugar: Well...ah, fine.

A little while later, and Rock had finally hit the 'one too many' mark, and Sugar had to carry him out to the car.

She stayed over the night, and the two got even closer, finally admitting that after a few dates, they were meant to be together.

And Rock got his first kiss!

And his first make out...

And his first woohoo, all in quick succession.

Sugar: Gotta love meeting random strange guys in parks.
Rock: Hear hear.

Rock: So, yeah, since our friendship sky rocketed overnight, you wanna be my baby mama?
Sugar: Oh wow!

Sugar: Honey...we just met. You gotta wait at least five days.

Rock: Aw...
Sugar: Hey, don't be sad. We can woohoo again if you want!

Rock: I need comfort (and boobies).
Sugar: Poor thing...

Sugar: Rock..? Rock! Look at my face.

And this is how that night officially ended. With Sugar exhausted, and Rock unclogging the toilet for the fifth time since he bought it.

After one more night together, he decided to pop the question again. Either because he was dumb, or had forgotten he'd already done it.

This time, he got a much better response, as Sugar bounced up and down, yelling "Yes!" over and over again.

Not wanting to waste any time, they held a small wedding later that day. Classy tuxedo man wasn't invited, but he came anyway. Which was good, because most of the people who WERE invited didn't show up.
Rock: So...we gonna do this?
Sugar: You bet!

So, they exchanged rings and said their vows.

Gazed at eachother lovingly for too long.

And Sugar officially became Sugar Starr! Turns out she has another romantic interest, but who cares, right?

To help earn some money and pay the bills, she immediately (well, almost immediately) started studying mixology so she could moonlight as a bartender.

And in a preemptive action, I used the money she brought in (it said 2k something but I actually got 8k something for some reason...) to add onto the house!

And now that they had the room, the newly weds decided this was as good a time as any to start with the baby making.

Rock: This is MUCH better than eating on the toilet.

I'm pretty sure I had something to put here, but I don't remember what it is anymore.

Sugar: Oh GOD!
Hurray! Baby #1 of the first generation is on the way! Let the madness ensue!

Sugar: God damn that jerk husband of mine! I hate puking!

So the obvious thing to do was go to the bar and spill all her sorrows to the bartender.

And when she wouldn't listen anymore, dance all her troubles away on the bar. Oh Sugar.

Sugar: Ah...the puking is finally over. Now for the wonderful effects of pregnancy hormones.

This pic is half me hoping he'll get electrocuted, and half me showing off his tattoo.

Sugar: I'm pregnant!
Classy Tuxedo: So I guess you won't be naked hot tubbing with us, then.

When there was nothing around that he could easily steal, Rock would try to earn money by playing guitar. He didn't realize he needed something for people to toss money into.

Sugar: Rock, you bastaaaaaard!
Off to the hospital, woman!

Hurray! A boy! Just what I was hoping for! His name is Andrew W.K. Starr, after the band. He is Insane and Athletic, a Gemini, and likes Egyptian music, Stir Fry, and the color yellow.

And he gets a crib with flames on it. You make it go faster.

Rock: I think our baby is broken. It has a dent in its head.

Naturally, it was time for them to start on the second child.

And it took no time at all.
Oh, you remember that 'madness' I mentioned? Yeah, did indeed ensue. It was impossible to keep everyone happy, and once I did, I think the game glitched because no matter how many green moodlets versus red moodlets, they were always depressed.

Lots of puking, yadda yadda. There's a lack of pics here because I was more interested in keeping everyone alive, unfortunately.

And sending Rock out to steal yet more cars from that conveniently placed lot with the randomly spawning vehicles. It always seems unfair.

Rock: Are you in labour?
Sugar: Yep.
Rock: Oh GOD!

Rock: Oh, wait, I'll meet you there. Gotta grow up Andrew!

Too wrap this up quickly, because we're approaching the hundred picture mark, Sugar gave birth to a little girl named Amy Lee, after the lead singer of the band Evanescence. She's a Genius and Easily Impressed, a Capricorn, and likes Soul music, Ratatouille and the color Grey.

And Andrew W.K. grew up adorable! His father immediately styled his copius amount of hair into a baby-hawk, which upped the cute factor even further.

Aw, look. They match!

Well, thanks for reading chapter one of the Rock Legacy. Hopefully I will be granted the time to keep it going at a good pace!